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Strain Detail: Ripped Bubba

Type: Indica Dominant

Price Trend

Total Retail Sales by Month


Retailers Selling Ripped Bubba Dec 2016

Business Total Sales Potency Median Retail Price Per G
The Stash Box $4,201 18.53% $4.82
Cannabis & Glass $3,017 12.82% $3.92
112th Street Cannabis $2,295 11.60% $2.93
Green Leaf $2,108 12.29% $3.14
Mary Mart $2,074 12.20% to 15.40% $5.46
Euphorium 420 $1,766 17.30% to 23.91% $7.47
Cannarail Station $1,629 28.84% $7.88
Greenfield Company Cannabis Mercantile $1,597 25.34% $7.50
The Cannabis Corner $1,111 16.30% to 16.34% $8.29
2020 Solutions Iron Street $1,050 12.20% $3.68
Euphorium $1,017 12.40% to 23.91% $5.80
Locals Canna House $840 20.46% $5.45
Freedom Market Ilwaco $824 12.49% $2.94
Token Herb $806 28.84% $7.58
The Fire House $776 13.75% to 14.81% $5.53
Miller's Marijuana $770 18.03% $6.47
Kush $737 12.40% to 12.49% $3.13
Euphorium 420 $646 23.91% $7.69
Craft Cannabis $502 12.20% to 12.49% $4.12
Ganja Goddess $461 18.03% to 28.84% $8.49
The West Seattle Marijuana Store $443 16.34% $6.03
Mister Buds $437 28.84% $8.25
Euphorium 420 $377 12.40% $4.68
Cannabis Super Store $360 28.84% $10.28
High Society $305 12.50% $5.09
Lux Pot Shop $247 16.60% to 20.00% $9.12
Nature's Gifts $231 28.84% $7.07
Western Bud $220 28.84% $9.27
Discovery Bay Cannabis $204 28.84% $8.03
Green Token Cannabis $192 14.53% $3.92
The Green Door $146 18.53% $1.61
Uncle Ike's $128 10.90% $1.47
Dank's Wonder Emporium $115 13.50% to 15.69% $1.79
Uncle Ike's $95.50 14.16% $2.73
Mj's Pot Shop $74.59 28.84% $8.48
The Pot Shop Bellingham $63.49 15.40% to 15.61% $2.33
The Gallery Spanaway $61.04 12.40% $4.36
Lux Pot Shop $39.51 17.70% to 20.00% $9.04
Budhut $37.74 17.30% $6.86
Happy Time $27.55 18.24% $6.40
Bud Hut $16.66 17.30% $8.33
Smokane $8.03 18.00% $8.03
Localamster $6.90 16.30% $6.90

Producer-Processors Selling Ripped Bubba Dec 2016

Business Total Sales Potency Median Wholesale Price Per G
Auricag $7,374 18.03% $4.40
Wow Weed $5,065 25.34% to 28.84% $3.95
Central Farms $3,052 12.20% to 18.53% $1.75
Saturn Group $1,658 17.30% to 23.91% $3.84
Tranquil Buddha $1,495 12.82% $1.86
Green Valley Management $246 18.24% $2.40


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