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Strain Detail: Skunk Haze

Type: Sativa Dominant

Price Trend

Total Retail Sales by Month


Retailers Selling Skunk Haze Dec 2016

Business Total Sales Potency Median Retail Price Per G
The Bake Shop $2,288 12.81% to 15.30% $3.93
Herbal Nation $1,522 12.53% $3.79
Cannarail Station $834 11.70% to 14.91% $4.73
North Bay Marijuana $581 11.70% $3.42
The Station NW Ll/trade- the Station $554 28.31% $7.39
Sweet Leaf Cannabis Co $491 9.64% to 14.10% $6.58
Evergreen Market - Renton Airport $436 15.24% to 15.35% $6.55
Iii King Company $405 11.70% $2.93
We're Just Buds $399 14.17% $3.44
Sparket $375 9.64% to 14.10% $7.86
Higher Leaf Marijuana Boutique $351 14.11% to 14.82% $3.73
Bud Hut $348 14.82% to 15.24% $6.91
Golden Dispensaries $314 14.82% to 15.24% $6.61
420 West $311 23.80% $3.11
The Kushery $300 5.67% to 25.20% $6.56
Evergreen Market - Auburn $266 15.35% $5.85
The Reef $214 14.82% $3.82
Seattle Bubble Works $169 5.90% $6.90
Herbal Healing $167 5.72% to 15.24% $4.61
Main Street Marijuana East $165 12.13% $2.95
Cannabis 21 $163 5.90% to 14.82% $6.12
Novel Tree $158 5.72% to 14.82% $5.99
High-5 Cannabis $134 23.80% $4.47
Rainier Cannabis $133 15.24% $6.34
Ounce King Cannabis $111 11.70% to 15.30% $6.41
Diamond Green $102 23.80% $5.12
Budeez $97.86 5.72% $5.02
Locals Canna House $78.93 13.20% $5.64
Rainier Cannabis $74.92 15.24% $6.24
Buds Garage $52.01 14.82% $6.50
The Kushery $44.90 15.24% $6.41
420 Holiday $4.14 5.72% $5.52

Producer-Processors Selling Skunk Haze Dec 2016

Business Total Sales Potency Median Wholesale Price Per G
Orgrow $5,782 5.72% to 23.80% $2.00
Cannasol Farms $281 28.31% $3.75


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