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Strain Detail: UW Purple Kush

Type: unable to lookup type information - this could be a cross, a grower-specific name, or a newer variety

Price Trend

Total Retail Sales by Month


Retailers Selling UW Purple Kush Dec 2016

Business Total Sales Potency Median Retail Price Per G
The Slow Burn $3,442 15.37% to 19.39% $8.98
Locals Canna House $3,374 11.01% to 15.37% $3.30
Lovely Buds North $2,929 11.01% to 13.60% $2.45
Smokane $1,971 11.01% to 13.60% $2.91
112th Street Cannabis $1,844 11.59% to 12.98% $2.57
Pot Zone $1,778 11.01% to 12.24% $2.45
The West Seattle Marijuana Store $1,473 11.59% to 12.98% $2.92
Seattle Tonics $1,460 12.98% to 13.60% $3.00
Gypsy Green $1,441 12.24% $2.71
Canna4life $1,310 19.39% $8.97
The Green Shelf $1,156 19.39% $9.88
Lucky Leaf $1,080 13.60% to 19.39% $4.81
420 Holiday $759 11.01% to 11.60% $2.46
Herban Legends $714 20.70% $5.84
420 Carpenter $500 20.80% $4.10
The Novel Tree $441 19.60% $5.40
Star Buds $414 11.60% to 12.98% $3.08
The Top Shelf $408 13.60% $2.08
Treehouse Club $344 15.37% $9.18
THC of Olympia $319 15.60% $3.96
Floyd's $302 13.60% $2.70
Rainier Cannabis $272 12.25% $2.43
Issaquah Cannabis Company $259 11.85% to 12.98% $3.17
The Herbery $227 15.60% $4.59
The Green Seed $207 12.24% $2.96
420 West $127 20.80% $4.09
Ounce King Cannabis $114 20.70% $7.26
B Street Bud $89.70 19.60% $9.20
The Happy Crop Shoppe $77.12 19.60% $10.28
North Bay Marijuana $73.58 15.60% $6.13
Roslyn Herbs $59.34 19.60% $5.27
The Herbery $57.58 15.60% $4.27
Greenside Recreational $54.05 19.93% $5.41
The Fire House $50.37 19.60% $6.11
The Herbery $40.25 15.60% $4.47
Origins Cannabis $13.30 15.60% $3.01
Nimbin Farm $4.78 18.40% $4.78
Lux Pot Shop $0.68 18.80% $0.68

Producer-Processors Selling UW Purple Kush Dec 2016

Business Total Sales Potency Median Wholesale Price Per G
Cowlitz County Cannabis Cultivation $15,723 11.01% to 13.60% $1.25
Growing Like a Weed $3,626 15.37% to 19.39% $3.75
Sgb $30.00 19.60% $2.67


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